Brain Function Support and Repair
New Hope for Those Who Have Had a Stroke or Brain Injury
After a brain injury such as stroke or head trauma, there are the initial life saving measures that need to be taken. Then there is rehabilitation for restoration of various functions. Then, if recovery phase is incomplete, the individual with the problem is told that no more progress can be made. That does not always need to be the case. Often, rapid and profound improvements can take place with some little known therapies that have virtually no side effects.
Dr. Rind is the inventor and developer of a patented technique called Relox. He uses this approach and along with osteopathic techniques, IV therapy, oxygen, herbal and nutritional therapy, and when needed, pharmaceutical therapies to restore neurological function. Often, there is observable improvement following the first treatment. Some forms of dementia have also shown good response. In May of 2012, Washington DC's WUSA-9 did a piece on the Relox technique involving Olympic Bobsledder Hillary Werth -- NATS' Jayson Werth's younger sister.
What is Relox™ and Why Does it Work?
Relox™ is a nutritional IV therapeutic technique developed by Dr. Rind using vitamins and minerals orally and intravenously while using oxygen. Herbs and other nutrients are taken orally to produce a synergistic effect. The technique was designed to refresh, oxygenate, and "wake up" brain cells that are still alive but not fully functional. This is the probable cause of the positive effects that are usually observed. Relox™ consists of an intravenous infusion of a vitamin/mineral solution with the simultaneous application of oxygen by mask. The technique can vary from patient to patient depending on the medical condition. Results can vary depending on severity of injury. Results range from minimal (rare) to excellent (see John below). Most are somewhere in between the two. The procedure’s success is due, in part, to the method of administration of the nutrients and oxygen. Furthermore, additional therapies are often applied to enhance the results. A patent for the Relox™ method has been granted.
Example 1. Mike's SPECT Scan. Evidence of improved function.
Mike H.’s stroke was 2 ½ yrs old when he came in for treatment. A SPECT scan taken before and after three Relox treatments shows a great increase in functional brain tissue. The level of functional improvement seen on the SPECT scan corresponded well to the level of functional improvement seen clinically. In other cases, the SPECT scans show similar changes (some better, some not as good).
Before Relox™
After Relox™
Example 2. John's Video. Evidence of improved function.
John had Relox™ IV therapy for a mixed stroke two years ago, affecting the left arm and right leg. You can see the improvement 20 minutes after Relox™.
Example 3. Joy’s Video. Evidence of improved function.
Joy had a serious hemorrhagic stroke, ten years ago, and a slow recovery of many functions but still suffering many deficits. We see her here immediately after the 15 minute Relox™ IV treatment.
Example 4. Linda's Video. Evidence of improved function.
Linda, had a stroke two years ago, and here we see Relox™ IV therapy and the results as she is tested by a physical therapist.