Could It Be Mold Toxins?
Dr. Rinds’ Approach
Over the past eleven years, Dr. Rind has developed a new approach to clearing fungal problems that it typically provides a good result in a short period of time with a minimum of supplements. It is a commonsense approach that draws on his many years of work and education in many areas of medicine and integrative medical care.
Our internal and external environments are becoming more affected by fungal problems with each year. As our environments become more contaminated, polluted or accumulate toxins, it is harder for us to clear out fungal problems. Dr. Rind. Has developed an approach that greatly facilitates the body’s ability to clear out the fungal burden. Dr. Rind has trained medical practitioners to use his method and this new approach is becoming popular as more practitioners are learning to make use of it.
Symptoms of Mold Exposure
Our environment may include at home and work might expose us to damp or moldy buildings that can increase the risk of health problems such as inflammatory and toxic responses to mold spores, metabolites and other components. Molds produce mycotoxins, that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals. When ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through skin, mycotoxins may cause or contribute to a range of effects from reduced appetite and general malaise to acute illness or death in rare cases.
Symptoms can include:
Nasal and sinus congestion, runny nose
Respiratory problems, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing, chest tightness
Throat irritation
Sneezing / Sneezing fits
Irritable mood
Mold induced hypersensitivity
Mycotoxin Toxicity
Reduced Appetite
Exposure Sources and Prevention
The main sources of mold exposure are from the indoor air in buildings with substantial mold growth, and from ingestion of food with mold growths.
Adverse respiratory health effects are associated with occupancy in buildings with moisture and mold damage.
Over 47 species have been identified in pillows. Down is especially known to have a lot of mycotoxins, so make sure your bedding is clean and clear.
Prevention of mold exposure from food is generally to consume food that has no mold growths on it. According to the World Health Organization, roughly 25% of the world's food may be contaminated by mycotoxins.
Leaks & Flooding
Leaks and flooding in houses causes a unique opportunity for mold growth which may be attributed to adverse health effects in people exposed to the mold, especially children and adolescents.
Make sure that if your environment has been compromised that you access professional and experienced mitigation services to ensure your environment is healthy.